TACKLE IT Rugby League versus Racism

What is it?

• Rugby League’s anti-racist, anti-discrimination action plan
• A plan to widen Rugby League’s reach and appeal, diversify its talent pool, improve its culture
and actively deal with discrimination
• Covers all ‘protected characteristics’: age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage and civil
partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation
• Complements existing work on the gender balance, LGBQT and disability inclusion

Who’s behind it?

• TACKLE IT has been developed by the game, for the game
o Players, coaches, volunteers, fans, RFL, Super League, RLWC2021, RL Cares
• It will be overseen by experienced RFL Inclusion Board members, including Huddersfield Giants’
Michael Lawrence
• People from all parts of the game will contribute – it is a team effort

Why does Rugby League need an anti-discrimination plan?

• Become genuinely representative of our communities
• Capitalise on talent, passion, skills, and experience
• Connect with local communities, learn, grow and expand
• Drive out discrimination in all its forms

What difference will it make?

• Measurable improvements across all areas of the game and at all levels – see Rugby-league.com/tackle_it for more information
• Some examples
o New RL teams in new areas
o More players
o Greater diversity within the game at all levels
o Increased reporting of discrimination – and confidence in the investigation process
• A stronger, more popular sport with a more sustainable future

How can I get involved?

• To see how the plan relates to your role within Rugby League, please visit Rugby-league.com/tackle_it

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